Modern society is entrusting science with a mission of studying the human being in all possible dimensions. The aim of this study is to reveal human potential in response to emergent challenges – environmental, ecological, ethnical, demographic, social, which Russia and the world are facing today. Consequently, the significance of humanities is growing.
Our journal is trying to make its contribution into solution of the problems the modern world has to deal with. Firstly, in historical aspect, by revealing origins and causes of the existing state of things. Secondly, the aim of our journal is studying the current state of social processes both in Russia and in the whole world. Thirdly, another objective is to contribute to pedagogical sciences, which are closely related to education and upbringing of future generations.
Thus, the journal is undertaking a complicated mission, the success of which depends on joined effort of scholars specializing in historical, sociological and pedagogical sciences. Our journal may serve a useful platform to express and spread their scientific ideas.
The name of the journal reflects interconnection of studies carried out on global, national and regional scales, similarities and differences between processes of socio-humanitarian development of the country center and its regions. Geographically the center of Russia excels as an example to illustrate this connection.
Resorting to scientific experience and achievements of Russian and foreign sciences in the realms mentioned above, in our journal we give priority to the development of ideas produced by Lipetsk school of thought: in the sphere of pedagogics – pedagogy of cooperation, in the sphere of history – social history, history of daily life, history of international affairs, in the sphere of sociology – management sociology, social structure, social institutes and processes.
The journal is published four times annually. The target readers of the journal are humanities scholars, university and school teachers, students from Lipetsk region and other regions of Russia.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Lipetsk State Pedagogical Semenov-Tyan-Shansky
Editorial office address: 398020, Lipetsk, Lipetsk region, Russia 42, Lenina St.,
Telephone: +7 (4742) 32-83-12, 89046976488
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