The article analyzes the problem of the influence of expectations on the formation of professional underestimation of women in power structures, which significantly determines their career growth. There is also a high correlation between personal and social expectations. Based on the analysis of the data obtained by the questionnaire method, it was concluded that expectations (emotionality – 43.3%; attractiveness – 43.3%) in most cases affect women’s career building and the success of their self-realization and depend on the realization of the expectations of their leaders and team. According to respondents, women are more fatigued (Δav. % = +10.91) and prone to mood swings (+23.48), and this is expectedly taken into account in their performance. Unexpected for the team and management will be their drowsiness (–28.36) and soreness (–12.97), which will cause a negative reaction to these manifestations.
Key words: expectations, social expectations, gender expectations, career of women, underestimation of women, professional underestimation, law-enforcement university.
ГИЦР-2023-№1-2-86-102Citation link: Stoyanov A.S. Social expectations as a factor of professional underestimation of women who serve in law enforcement bodies// Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №1 (26). – P. 85-101.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-126-85-101