Stoyanov A.S. Game interaction as a factor in the development of preschool children’s speech skills: experts’ expectations

This article analyzes the problem of the influence of game interaction on the development of preschoolers’ speech skills. New forms of game interaction have a positive effect on the effectiveness of the formation of speech skills. The sociological research was…

Galkina E.P., Kadnichanskaya M.I., Klimovich L.V. Factors for forming the views of university students on the russian statehood

The article discusses the factors that influence the formation of university students’ views on Russian statehood. The results of the author’s sociological study «Historical memory of youth: attitude to the study of history, understanding the problems of the historical past…

Krylova M.A., Abdrakhmanova N. The institute of social partnership as a tool for the prevention of labor conflicts

This article considers social partnership as a social institution. Labour sphere as a sphere of social life is characterized by a high conflict-generating potential, which determines the need for partnership development as a system directed at regulation labour relations in…

Stoyanov A.S. Social expectations as a factor of professional underestimation of women who serve in law enforcement bodies

The article analyzes the problem of the influence of expectations on the formation of professional underestimation of women in power structures, which significantly determines their career growth. There is also a high correlation between personal and social expectations. Based on…

Trofimov D.V. Media planning as a tool of the press service to protect against information threats and to form the image of a medical university

The paper presents an analysis of the experience of the press service of the Volgograd State Medical University in terms of collecting, processing and distributing information, the mechanisms used in the educational organization that allow timely countering the risks ofthe…