The article presents a program for improving the academic performance of students in groups of secondary vocational education. The relevance of the issue can be explained by large heterogeneity of the formed educational groups according to socio-psychological characteristics. The basis of the program was the diagnosis of the socio-psychological climate. The program presents measures to improve the socio-psychological climate and the expected results of the program implementation.
Key words: professional education, academic performance, students of secondary vocational education, collective, student group, psychological diagnostics.
Хаматнурова-2021-4-71-77Citation link: Khamatnurovа E.N. Development of a program for improving academic performance in secondary vocational education groups based on improving the socio-psychological climate in them // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2021. – №4. – P. 70-76.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2021-4-70-76