Author Guide


  1. The Editorial Board accepts the submissions that correspond to the subject matter of the journal and which consist of original work (having topicality, scientific novelty of the original research and credibility of information) that has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. The Contributors are kindly asked to send their papers at where they are first reviewed and selected. The Editorial Board confirms the receipt of the manuscript within 3 days and it also registers the date of the receipt of the submissions, the name(s), place of work and contacts of the author(s) as well as the names of the materials sent.
  3. The papers submitted which fully confirm to the requirements of the Editorial Board should more than 0,5 of the author’s sheet in length (minimum 20,000 characters, including spaces).
  4. The Contributors are asked to send the following materials to the Editorial Board:
  • Manuscript in MS Word file entitled like in this example: Ivanov_article.
  • Information about the author(s) (in Russian and English) which includes surname, name and patronymic, place of work, occupation, academic degree, academic title, the scope of scientific interests and contacts (telephone number, e-mail address, postal address, zip, the title of the article). This file should be entitled like in this example: Ivanov_information.
  • Postgraduate students and external PhD students are to submit to the Editorial Board scanned evaluation reference from their research advisor whose signature must be duly certified. This file should be entitled like in this example: Ivanov_ evaluation reference. Such evaluation reference must necessarily contain the phrase that the manuscript is recommended for publication.

All scientific articles submitted to the journal are subject to mandatory double-blind peer review.

  1. The submitted articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board as well as external reviewers – Russian or foreign experts in relevant scientific realms. The editor-in-chief, the deputy editor-in-chief, the executive editor takes a decision concerning selection of a reviewer for expert evaluation of a particular article. Reviewers have 3-4 weeks at their disposal to do the job, but this term can be prolonged at their request.
  2. Each reviewer has a right to refuse to give his/her expert evaluation in case of conflict of interest which may have a negative impact on perception and interpretation of the materials presented in the manuscript. After reviewing the manuscript a reviewer gives a grounded judgment concerning acceptance or rejection of the article. The following decisions are possible:the article is accepted to be published in its current state;
    • the article can be published after the author makes a revision in light of the reviewer’s comments; another round of reviewing is not required;
    • the article needs a revision in light of the reviewer’s comments; another round of reviewing is required;
    • the article cannot be published even after a revision.
  3. In case the authors refuse to make a revision of their materials, they should inform the editorial staff (in the oral or written form) that they recall their articles. The editorial board will have to exclude the manuscript from consideration if the authors do not submit the revised version within 3 months since notification time. On such occasions the authors are notified that their manuscript is excluded from consideration as they failed to meet the set deadline for the article revision.
  4. The editorial staff provides not more than two rounds of reviewing for each manuscript. If two revisions are made by the author, but reviewers or members of the editorial staff still find serious faults in the text of the article, the manuscript is excluded from consideration. On such occasions the authors are notified.
  5. If the author and the viewers face insoluble contradictions concerning the submitted materials, the editorial staff by agreement with members of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief may send the manuscript for additional reviewing. In conflict situations the decision to publish the article is taken by the editor-in-chief at the meeting of the editorial board.
  6. The decision to reject the manuscript is taken at the meeting of the editorial board on the basis of the reviewers’ comments. The rejected article can’t be submitted for consideration again. In case the article is rejected the authors are notified by an email.
  7. In case of the editorial board’s decision to accept the article, the author is notified and informed about the time of publication.
  8. The expert’s positive evaluation does not provide sufficient grounds for publishing the article. The final decision is taken by the editorial board. In conflict situations this decision is taken by the editor-in-chief.
  9. The authors have the right to challenge the decision to reject the article. To that end they should write a letter to the editor-in-chief. The letter should clearly state the author’s reasons for disagreement, present arguments for reconsideration of the decision. The author is also required to send the revised manuscript (in case the revision is worth making). The editor-in-chief personally resolves disputable cases as well as considers the letters mentioned above at the meeting of the editorial board. The decisions taken by the editor-in-chief are regarded as final and conclusive.
  10. Original reviews and manuscript consideration records are kept at the editorial office for not less than 5 years.
  11. Manuscript reviews as well as correspondence between the authors and the editorial office are not revealed to public but are used only in the editorial office document workflow and in correspondence with the authors. If required review copies can be sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for the design of articles sent to the editorial office of the journal “Humanities researches of the Central Russia”

  1. Papers sent must be thoroughly revised by the author(s) and fully comply with the requirements listed below. Materials that do not meet the criteria put forward by the reaction are not considered by the editorial board.
  1. Technical parameters: the text is an MS Word file, font size – Times New Roman font, 14 pt throughout, single-and-a-half-spaced, 2-cm margins on all sides, 1-cm paragraph indention. The papers submitted which fully confirm to the requirements of the Editorial Board should more than 0,5 of the author’s sheet in length (minimum 20,000 characters, including spaces).
  2. UDC should be set at the left margin.
  3. The heading of the article in Russian and English should be centred, in capital letters, bold
    The headings are expected to be short and informative, thus reflecting the thematic approach of the research conducted.
  4. Author’s initials and surname in Russian and English should be centred, in lower-case letters, bold
  5. The relevant line length of the Abstract printed in italics in Russian and English is up to 20 lines. The information given in the Abstract should cover the contents of the article (topicality, subject, object, methods and scientific novelty) rather than scientific problem.
  6. Key words in Russian and English are normally 5-7 words and word combinations.
  7. References are to be listed in alphabetical order. Authors should ensure that every item in the References at the end of the article includes the initials and the surname of the author/co-authors, the heading of the article, the place and the year of publication, publishing house, the number of the pages, and the page-number spans are to be provided for the articles taken from journals and collections of articles. References should also necessarily be given in accordance with the rules of transliteration.
  8. Footnotes in square brackets should be numbered in accordance with the References at the end
    of the article which are cited in text and include the number of the page which is preceded by a comma. E.g. [5, p.321], [1,p.12; 8, p. 12-14].
  9. Tables should have continuous page numbering and title and be referred to in the text of the article. E.g. (see Table 1).
  10. Figures must be presented in a separate file and have captions. They should be referred to in the text of the article. E.g. (see Fig. 1).
  11. Formulae are to be presented in MS Word Equation Editor and be separated only at he signs of “plus” and “minus“ and sometimes “multiplication”. These signs are repeated at the beginning and at the end of a separated formula. The formulae should have continuous page numbering in Arabic numerals. The number of each formula goes in parentheses at the right margin of the page.