The article analyzes the problem of humanitarization of mathematical training of a fu-ture economist as a condition of improving the quality of economic university graduates’ education. The paper describes methodological features of humanitarization of the mathe-matical training of a future economist in the context of introduction of new generation edu-cational and professional standards, mathematization and informatization of socio-economic research. At the level of the educational area «Game Theory» methodological recommenda-tions are given, which give an insight into organization of educational and cognitive activities of those students who are seeking bachelor’s degree in the sphere of economics. This set of recommendations makes it possible to implement the ideas of humanitarization.
Keywords: humanitarization, mathematical training, bachelor of economics, quantitative methods, mathematical modeling.
статья-6-2-2018Citation link: Vlasov D.A., Sinchukov A.V. Humanitarization of mathematical training of a future economist as a pedagogical problem // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2018. – № 2 (7). – P. 86-93.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2018-00013