This article shows a combination of methods of teaching motor skills, with which university students are able to develop the strength indicators of the main muscle groups more effectively and easily. In the course of the pedagogical experiment, the advantages of the suggested methodology, containing techniques for performing power-oriented exercises with free weights, on simulators and with their own body weight have been demonstrated.
This methodology contributes to the formation of students’ power abilities. The importance of improving motor skills in the education of physical qualities is stated. The potential of athletic gymnastics as an independent means of physical education and a huge choice and the possibility of using methods to achieve positive results of goals are considered.
Keywords: motor skills, physical qualities, strength abilities, physical education, athletic gymnastics.
НикулинCitation link: Nikulin Yu.I. Method of teaching motor skills in order to develop students' strength abilities by means of athletic gymnastics // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2020. – №2 (15). – P. 53–59.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-11019