The article demonstrates that the universally accepted variants of the chronicle expressions «пояша по собѣ всю русь» and «и взяли с собой всю русь..» are not correct. Its author overlooked the fact that the preposition «по» has various meanings and can be used to render the idea of following, protection. Then the whole phrase «пояша по собѣ всю русь» acquires the meaning “took the whole Rus upon themselves”, i.e. took the whole Rus under their protection. “The whole Rus” united by the knyaz Riurik should be looked for along Pomerania, as long ago Danish linguist V. Thomson admitted that on Scandinavian Peninsula there were no any traces of the tribe called rus.
Key words: Russian chrinocles, Rus, varangian brothers, knyaz’s armed force, Varangin land.
Грот-2021-4-8-19Citation link: L.P. Groth The chonicle expression «Пояша по собѣ всю Русь» and its sense in the context of the folk tale of the mission of varangian brothers // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2021. – №4. – P. 7-18.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2021-4-7-18