Kharchenko L.N. Participation of Rsups (RIIZHT) scientists in the implementation of the general plan for the electrification of railway transport (on the example of the southern region)

The state of transport infrastructure and railway transport, in particular, plays a huge role in the economic development of the state. Its reconstruction, modernization and reequipment are always relevant and are in the field of view of the state authorities. The article
considers one of the aspects of modernization – the implementation of the General Plan for the electrification of railways (1956-1970). The purpose of the article is to consider the role of scientists of the Rostov Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (RIIZHT, now RSUPS) in the electrification of railways in the Southern region on the basis of published and archival materials. With the help of retrospective, historical-genetic and typological methods, the facts of the participation of scientists of the Institute in a large-scale state project are revealed, examined and systematized in historical dynamics. Conclusions are drawn about their contribution.
Key words: railway transport, electrification, Southern region, North Caucasus Railway, scientific research, inventions, patent



Citation link: Kharchenko L.N. Participation of Rsups (RIIZHT) scientists in the implementation of the general plan for the electrification of railway transport (on the example of the southern region) // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. - 2022. - N 4 (25). - P. 36-42. DOI 10.24412/2541-9056-2022-425-36-42.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2022-425-36-42

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