The article considers the insufficiently explored history of participation of the radicalleft Kirti Group (Punjab) in the United Anti-Imperialist Front in India in 1935-1941. It describes the attitude and activities of this organization in within the framework of the United Front, as well as relations between the Kirti Group and other parties.
Keywords: Kirty Group, Gadar Party, Indian National Congress (INC), United Anti-Imperialist Front, national independence movement in India.
статья-5-3-2017Citation link: Zhirova N.S. The Kirti group and the united anti-imperialist front in India (1935-1941) // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2017. – № 3 (4). – P. 73-79.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2017-00029