For the first time as an aim of a separate study, the author tries to find out when and how the Russians took interest in a wig, one of the symbols of the “enlightened” western civilization. The study of historiography reveals the insufficient development of the subject, which continues to be treated as a fashionable addition in the Russian wardrobe of the end of the XVII–XVIII centuries. In fact, the earliest mention of wigs in our country, called “false hair”, dates back to the forties of the 17th century. Appearing again in a document in 1655, the wig in seventies was already used in Russia as part of a theatrical makeup . Finally, from 1680–1690 according to the sources a wig is use for intended purpose.
Key words: wig, history of fashion, modern history, Tsardom of Muscovy.
Богатырев-4-1Citation link: Bogatyrev A.V. Estern influence in Russia of the 17th –early 18th centu-ries: to the history of wigs // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2018. – № 4 (9). – P. 10-17.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2018-00016