The article discusses the nature Novo-Pokrovsky sugar factory development in the Tambov province. The economic characteristics of the enterprise andthe problem of corporization of local production are analyzed, the significance of the factory for the socio-economic modernization of the Orlov-Davydov estate is revealed. Key words: Novo-Pokrovsky sugar factory, landlords, industrial entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Novo-Pokrovsky sugar factory, landlords, industrial entrepreneurship.
Житин-4Citation link: Zhitin R.M. The specifics of the organization and the nature of the industrial activities of large landowners (on materials Novo-Pokrovsky sugar factory Orlov-Davydovyh) // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2018. – № 4 (9). – P. 30-38.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2018-00018