The article deals with the problem of developing the mobility of the lower limbs of karate players, since the specifics of karate are the presence of a large Arsenal (up to 70%) of wide-amplitude kicks, which are about five times stronger than punches. The results of a study on the effectiveness of the introduction of technology for developing hip mobility of young karateka by means of fitness yoga are shown. The relationship between the technique of performing kicks and, accordingly, the level of development of mobility of the hip joints is revealed.
Keyword: young karateka, hip joint, mobility, fitness yoga.
ПановаCitation link: Panova I.P., Panov S.F., Kemsa R.A., Tsukanov P.A. Technology for the development of mobility of the hip joints of young karatists by means of fitness yoga as a factor of improvement of shock technique // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2020. – №2 (15). – P. 72–77.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-11017