The article deals with the issues of control over the conditional training of young taekwondo practitioners while teaching them basic techniques. Comparative analysis of the test results showed positive dynamics of data at three stages of the study (p < 0.05). There was a positive dynamics of data on pedagogical control at three stages of the experimental study of young taekwondists in all tests, and reliable increase in indicators of conditioning abilities in the third stage indicates the effectiveness of conditioning training during the training process.
Keywords: pedagogical control, standard preparation, taekwondo, basic equipment.
КосьяненкоCitation link: Kosjanenko S.S., Kosjanenko N.A., Kashkarov V.A. Pedagogical control over the conditional training of young taekwondo-sportsmen aged 8-10 while teaching them basic technique // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. . – 2020. – №2 (15). – P. 78–84.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-11018