This article examines one of the turning points in the history of ancient Rome, as well as the countries of the Mediterranean region and parts of Europe, drawn into the orbit of its power and influence. It is shown that the establishment of the sole authority of Augustus led to the emergence of a new state structure — the Roman Empire. It replaced the disordered relationship of domination and exploitation, delivering impressive results in all areas of life. In the article, some concepts of Latin origin (“republic”, “empire”, “principate” etc.) are subjected to critical analysis.
Key words (latin and english): civitas, res publica – republic, populus Romanus, imperium populi Romani, principatus, Roman imperium, monocracy.
МежерицкийCitation link: Mezheritskiy J. Y The birth of the Roman Empire // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. - 2020. - 3(16). - P. 7-18.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-12001