The article describes the short – medium – long-term consequences of using the model of online distance learning in modern Russian education. The “hybrid model of the educational process” is substantiated, which provides the interaction and synergy of traditional and online education systems. The features of the humanistic pedagogical worldview in the digital age are determined.
Key words: humanistic pedagogy, modern didactics, the content of general education, individualization of education, personalistic pedagogy, digital educational technologies, online education, e-learning, distance learning model, educational online platforms.
БОГУСЛАВСКИЙCitation link: Boguslavsky M.V. Realization of the humanist pedagogy potential in the context of the educational reality of the digital era // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. - № 4 (17). - 2020. - S. 46-53.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-13004