Boguslavsky M.V., Milovanov K.Yu., Ovchinnikov А.V. The potential of the content of federal work programs in the courses “Social studies” and “History” in ensuring the formation of traditional Russian values among students

This article analyzes the content of the federal work programs for the courses “Social Studies” and “History” to ensure that  the  traditional Russian values are formed  among students. It is determined in the paper that the software and methodological support…

Khaladov H.-A.S., Khodyrev A.M., Golovina I.V., Paputkova G.A. Conceptual foundations and model of a single environment of pedagogical universities for the formation of civic identity in future teachers by means of academic mobility

The article presents the results of theoretical analysis and large-scale empirical research of students of pedagogical universities of the Russian Federation, which determined the development of conceptual foundations for the development of academic mobility and a model of a single…

Lyulyushin A.A., Plekhanova L.P. Precedent names of domestic cinema as an axiological resource of formation civil identity of the young generation: Anatoly Solonitsyn

The article is devoted to the consideration of the national personosphere as the most important axiological resource for the formation of the Russian civic identity of modern youth. The authors focus on the precedent names of Russian cinema and their…

Martyanova E.G., Slobozhanin A.V. Methodological aspects of teaching the discipline “History of Religions of Russia” in the higher education system

The article describes the substantive and methodological features of teaching a new discipline for the system of  Russian higher education, “History of Religions in Russia”, for full-time students of non-core areas of training in the context of digitalization. Particular attention…

Grigorieva T.V., Berezina T.I. On the possibility to use «Net promoter score» values in the evaluation of school performance

The maintaining of high effectiveness of educational process in schools requires the constant monitoring of its quality. In addition to various indicators primarily designated for administrators and managers of official institutions, it is of utmost importance to take into account…

Boguslavsky M.V., Milovanov K.Yu. Effective pedagogical practices of russia in the second half of the twentieth century as a historical and pedagogical phenomenon

The article deals with the problems of researching  effective pedagogical practices  of Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. as a historical and pedagogical phenomenon. The importance of studying the retrospective experience of the formation and activity of…

Ryabukhina E.A., Safonov V.I., Firsova S.A. Identification of options for choosing future professional training of university applicants by means of organizing online-testing

The presented article considers the methodology of career guidance testing of university applicants developed by the authors, implemented in the form of a web application posted on the university website. The result of the application is the issuance of a…

Nasyrova E.F., Rybalchenko Yu.S. Pedagogical support of social adaptation of students by means of extracurricular activities exemplfied by “Surgut state university”

In modern social and cultural conditions, a social structure including new actors with a new system of relationships and connections with the surrounding reality is formed, so the process of social adaptation of student youth acquires a new activity. Today…

Kosygina E.A. Features of pedagogical work on the formation of motivation for educational activities among students studying in the field of “Special (defectological) education”

Over the past 30 years, Russian society has undergone significant changes in social, economic and cultural development, affecting all spheres of public life and marking the transition to the post-industrial era. These changes have also influenced the expectations of society…