The article is devoted to the history of massive open online-courses. The purpose of this study is to characterize the emergence and development of massive open online-courses in 2001–2020. The research methods chosen were: retrospective analysis method; thematic analysis method; chronological method. As a result of the study, the following periods of MOOC development were identified: the period of origin (2001-2008); period of explosive interest (2008-2014); period of active legalization (2014-2020). The following conclusions are formulated: over twenty years, MOOCs have experienced a qualitative transformation of their potential; changed the perception of the distance learning format and even stimulated the allocation of certain labor functions in teaching and learning activities; did not displace traditional universities and schools, but significantly digitized their environment. Increasing their visibility on the Internet, did not become a full-fledged replacement for classroom training, but became an important addition to it. Thanks to MOOCs, some universities and schools were much more prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions, have become a very useful form of continuing education.
Key words: MOOCs, massive open online-courses, digital technologies, digital educational technologies, digital revolution, digitalization of education, digital transformation tools, history of digital technologies, history of digital educational technologies.
Неборский-1-30Citation link: Neborsky E.V. The emergence and development of mass open online-courses in 2001–2020 // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2024. – №1. – P. 29-40.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2024-130-29-40