This article examines the problem of the influence of economic independence on student academic performance, reveals the question of the possibility of combining work and study of students of higher educational establishments. Based on the survey, it was concluded that economic independence from parents affects students’ academic performance and their desire to become independent, as they lack of time to prepare for classes.
This article can be useful in studying the impact of economic independence of students on their academic performance.
Key words: higher education institutions, part-time work, need, work, independence, students, academic performance, students, study, factors, economic independence.
СТОЯНОВCitation link: Stoyanov A.S., Shestopalova P.V. Economic independence as a factor of student academic performance //Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2021. – № 1 (18). – S. 78-87.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2021-1-78-87