Heavy fast food advertising affects the health of the population and distort its traditional food culture. The research was carried out by the method of secondary sociological analysis, as well as the analysis of scientific sources and statistical data. In the course of the study, the reasons for the popularity of fast food were identified, as well as the factors that hinder the preservation of the traditional food culture by the population. This in the long run has an obvious negative impact on health, quality of life and life expectancy of the population, increasing the state spendings. Based on the findings, the authors provide recommendations on the regulation of fast food advertising.
Key words: fast food, healthy food, food culture, youth, obesity, public nutrition, food products, fast food advertising, social policy, fast food.
Стоянов-2021-4-95-102Citation link: Stoyanov A.S., Uryvina A.V. Advertising fast food as a factor of food culture //Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2021. – №4. – P. 94–101.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2021-4-94–101