The article focuses on the methodological features of organizing the independent work of bachelors of economics in the study of mathematical sciences related to the development of the system of independent work of students seeking economic bachelor’s degree. Six goals of independent work of students of an economic baccalaureate are presented, allowing to focus on development of innovative components of professional activity of the future economist in conditions of digitalization. The material presented in the article can be useful to teachers of mathematical subjects in higher economic school, as well as developers of digital educational environments.
Key words: independent work, mathematical training, digitalization, higher economic school, digital environment, competence, bachelor of economics.
Власов-2021-4-62-70Citation link: Vlasov D.A. Goals of organizing the independent work of bachelors of economics in the study of mathematical sciences // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2021. – №4. – P. 61-69.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2021-4-61-69