Egorova G.I., Druzhinina O.M., Boyarkina Yu.A., Ionina N.G The discourse of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of interactivity of the distance learning environment

Within the framework of the updated Federal State Educational Standard, modernization of higher pedagogical education, there is an objective need for a radical revision of approaches to the process of self-determination and professional self-determination of students at school and university. The object is the educational process of the school and university. The subject is the creation of an interactive distance learning environment to increase the level of self-determination, professional self-determination of schoolchildren and university students. The used theoretical and practical methods (for instance, content analysis), prove the importance of the posed problem. The parameters of the definitions of “self-determination” and “professional self-determination” are revealed. A system of curricula and training sessions has been developed, using components of an interactive educational environment – the leading means of self-determination. Experimental work proves the influence of interactive remote means on the level of formation of indicators of self-determination and  professional self-determination of students.
Key words: professional self-determination, educational distance environment, interactivity, interactive technologies, students.


Citation link: Egorova G.I., Druzhinina O.M., Boyarkina Yu.A., Ionina N.G The discourse of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of interactivity of the distance learning environment // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №2 (27). – P. 45-57.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-227-45-57

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