Within the framework of this article, features of the development of probabilistic repre-sentations of future bachelors of the economy related to decision making in social and eco-nomic situations that do not involve deterministic interpretation are disclosed. The im-portance of probabilistic models and methods in the system of training future bachelors of the economy is established. Typical problems are presented that allow us to cover the most important directions of the development of probabilistic representations, to focus on the de-velopment of stochastic culture within the framework of applied mathematical preparation of future bachelors of the economy.
Keywords: Probabilistic representations, probability, mathematical training, bachelor of economics, a typical problem.
статья-7-3-2017Citation link: Sinchukov A.V. Development of probable representations future economic bachels // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2017. – № 3 (4). – P. 86-93.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2017-00031