E.A. Maletina
The main theme of the article is the social rehabilitation and adaptation of persons re-leased from prison. The interaction between state institutions and civil society organizations in the provision of rights guaranteed by law, in the period of post-penitentiary resocialization of the mentioned category of persons.
Key words: persons released from places of imprisonment, social adaptation, social adap-tation centres, post-penitentiary resocialization.
статья-3-3-2018Citation link: Maletina E. A. Experience of interaction of public authorities and public organizations with people, who have served their sentences in penitentiaries, in the framework of re-socialization programs //Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2018. – № 3 (8). – P. 44-50.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2018-00030