Some methods of the work of a famous writer with historical material are revealed. An example of the analysis of one of his works shows the correlation of truth and fiction, the use of specific vocabulary to recreate the atmosphere of the Commonwealth of the XVII century. Contrary to the opinion of philologist W. Szetela, there are no polonisms here that occur for the first time in Russian literary speech. The writer found creative inspiration mainly in domestic historical literature, as well as in the legacy of novelists of the 19th–20th centuries. Insufficient knowledge of Polish material, genuine historical evidence generated curiosities, led to a partial distortion of the depicted past.
Keywords: Valentin Pikul, Polish-Lithuanian state, the epoch of Jan Sobieski, daily life, ethnography.
БогатыревCitation link: Bogatyrev A.V. A tombstone with a clock: polish life in valentin Pikul’s historical miniature «The “eternal peace” Of jan Sobieski» // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2020. – №1 (14). – P. 24-30.
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-10002