The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the national education system in the field of adaptation of people with disabilities and other social groups, who are in need of a special pedagogical approach. The essence of inclusive education is considered, the need for transformation of existing educational processes, taking into account the development of information technologies, is revealed. It is proposed to pay more attention to the aspects of psychological adaptation of persons with disabilities and to strengthen pedagogical skills of teachers to improve inclusion processes of various social groups, for example, migrants, as well as to reduce the level of discrimination in society in relation to such people.
Key words: special education, inclusive education, inclusion, psychology, facilitation, humanism, the education system.
ДмитриеваCitation link: Dmitrieva A.D. Psycho-pedagogical and inclusive aspects of improving the quality of educational system// Humanities researches of the Central Russia. - 2020 - № 3 (16). - P. 59-65
DOI: 10.24411/2541-9056-2020-12005