Belousova L.A. “The day of deliverance” in British India: All-India muslim league against India national congress

The article is devoted to the political action that took place on December 22, 1939 in British India. These events were preceded by several years of political struggle between the main national liberation organization of the country – the polyconfessional Indian National Congress (INC), a supporter of a united and independent India – and the All-India Muslim League (ML) party, which advocated the rights of the Islamic community and its self-determination. In domestic historiography, this event did not receive a detailed coverage. However, the study of this action is important in order to trace how the further political delimitation of the two leading players in the country’s political arena, as well as the religious communities of the country, proceeded after the outbreak of World War II.

Key words: The British Raj, Indian National Congress, All-India Muslim League, provincial ministries, “Day of Deliverance”.



Citation link: Belousova L.A. “The day of deliverance” in British India: All-India muslim league against India national congress // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №1 (26). – P. 16-22.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-126-16–22

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