Dragunova E.P., Suravtsova Yu.S. Comparative analysis of tools and techniques in traditional and digital painting

The demand to reproduce objects of the surrounding world in a realistic manner is high, as it remains the most direct way of emotionally involved perception of information, where painting occupies 65% of the global contemporary art market. Art “literacy” of this type is based on theoretical knowledge, which serves the basis for this kind of visual arts, where it is essential to understand the laws of working with colours. In this case the methods to reflect the surrounding world can be different, works can be created with the help of paints  or digital instruments. Though the tools differ, the basic laws of colour perception are the same and work for the both methods.  That is the reason why methodology and technology of professional education of art specialists should pay attention to hybrid techniques, combining digital and traditional methods. The authors of the article tried to carry out a thorough study of instruments and methods of traditional and digital painting used by students who study to become graphical designers, digital reality designers, etc. The authors are sure that this research is of great importance as digital painting is  just at initial stage of its development.

Key words: painting tools, digital painting, digital art tools, modern and traditional painting technologies.



Citation link: Dragunova E.P., Suravtsova Yu.S. Comparative analysis of tools and techniques in traditional and digital painting// Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №1 (26). – P. 59-67.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-126-59-67

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