The article touches upon problems of modern domestic theory and practice of moral education, which is one of the most topical issues in pedagogical research in Russia. There is an obvious need for search for effective forms of work with students which could incorporate professional, scientific, personality-developing, social and moral components in the process of their university education. The authors reveal educational potential of students’ project activities, as exemplified by the students’ scientific project “If you want impressions, dear, visit the exclusive part of deer”. They describe the concept of the project and its key principle. The novelty of this approach lies in the treatment of a scientific project as an event capable to produce multidimensional educational molding effect on students.
Key words: moral education, the problems of moral education, moral education at the university, project activities, educational potential of students’ project activities.
ГИЦР-2023-№1-2-76-85Citation link: Nikolaenko I.S., Trunova E.G. Educational potential of students' project activities: the experience of carrying out students’ scientific project "If you want impressions, dear, visit the exclusive Park of Deer" // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №1 (26). – P. 75-84.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-126-75-84