Egorova G.I., Kulashkina A.N. Concepts of cooperation of family, school, university in cultivating russian schoolchildren’s multicultural identity

The article reveals the features of the work on cultivating the Russian multicultural identity of the younger generation in the context of network interaction (family-school-university).The reasons for the relevance of the scientific problem posed are revealed. A content analysis is carried out, clarifying the scientific apparatus of the research. The set of developed concepts as innovative forms of network interaction and ideological and creative meanings for the practice of educating Russian multicultural identity is shown. The predominance of certain forms of network interaction was built taking into account the proposed concepts for the parent community (“Traditional”, “Professional Navigator”, “Home Education”, “Inclusive Pedagogy”, Cultural Education”). The functional purpose of the concepts was associated with information, education, and enrichment of the knowledge and skills of parents and young teachers in matters of education. The mechanism of integrative interaction was built on the basis of strategic principles: development, humanization, cultural conformity, integration, interactivity, taking into account the inclusion of project forms. Three- year experience of implementation of the developed project “Trust in good experience is described.  This project  was implemented within the framework of family-school-university interaction. Qualitative and quantitative results of the work were obtained: experience in the formation of Russian multicultural identity by schoolchildren and parents has been accumulated; monitoring was organized, scenarios for parent meetings with a sociocultural focus were developed and put into practice; game event scenarios were created too.

Key words: identity, Russian multicultural identity, education, educational environment, family, school, university.



Citation link: Egorova G.I., Kulashkina A.N. Concepts of cooperation of family, school, university in cultivating russian schoolchildren’s multicultural identity // Humanties researches of the Central Russia. – 2024. – №2. – P. 74-80.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2024-231-74-80

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