The images of Russia and the geopolitical ideas of Russian student youth have been ex-amined in the article. On the basis of the sociological survey, the authors substantiate the idea of the existence of a certain growth of “expansionist” aspirations and the persistence of uncertainty about the further political and cultural borders of Russia. It was shown that re-spondents put the historical and geopolitical connotation in the notion of “Russia”, seeing the need to return the territory to the borders of the Russian Empire or the USSR. Russian youth maintain a high level of uncertainty regarding the understanding of the problem of interac-tion between federal and regional authorities in the country. The study also showed the preservation of a certain homogeniety of historical memory in Russia. The most probable “friends” and “enemies” of Russia in the minds of modern Russian students were identified.
Keywords: geopolitical representations, images of Russia, “the Russian world”, spatial images.
Батищев-2017Citation link: Belyaev E.V., Batishev R.J., Linchenko A.A. The images of Russia and it place in the world in the geopolitical representations of russian students // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2017. – № 4 (5). – P. 73-82.