Vorobyev G.A., Fomina T.P., Khortsev A.V. The use of gamification in additional professional mathematical education

Some possibilities of gamification application in additional mathematical education are analyzed. A generalized scheme of the organization of educational games  is proposed. The analysis of regional events containing game elements was carried out. As a result, the optimal correlation between  awakening the interest of schoolchildren in the study of mathematics, on the one hand, and the teaching and developing function, on the other, was established. The results of a survey of students and teachers are presented, confirming the conclusions concerning the effectiveness of gamification in additional education and the need for parity in the correlation between the educational and developmental function of activities and the function of awakening interest in mathematics.

Key words: educational space, game technologies, mathematical education, gamification in education, additional education.

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Citation link: Vorobyev G.A., Fomina T.P., Khortsev A.V. The use of gamification in additional professional mathematical education // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2022. – №2 (23). – P. 73-83. DOI 10.24412/2541-9056-2022-223-73-83
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2022-223-73-83

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