In the theory and practice of art and pedagogical education, the choice of teaching methods in the visual arts classes is currently very relevant, as it is conditioned by the need to train future artists and teachers capable of solving complex professional tasks in a timely manner. The subject of the study: pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of professional qualities of personality, professional skills, artistic and pedagogical abilities in future artists-teachers. The object of research: the process of formation of cognitive interests and motives in the educational and creative activities of woulb-be artists-teachers. Investigating the problem according to the didactic foundations and methods of teaching in the visual arts classes, the authors of the article in their work used the method of theoretical analysis of the problem based on the study of scientific and methodological literature related to the use of various models and technologies, with a variety of innovative approaches in teaching fine arts. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the authors, based on the analysis of various sources, of an experimental nature, were able to find approaches to create favorable conditions for the formation of future artists-teachers.
Key words: research, modern technologies, problem-based learning, independence, activity, formation, cognitive activity, teaching methods.
ГИЦР-2023-№2-ИТОГ-9-69-75Citation link: Paramonov A.G., Berbash T.I. Didactic foundations of the choice of teaching methods in the visual arts classes // Humanities researches of the Central Russia. – 2023. – №2 (27). – P. 68-74.
DOI: 10.24412/2541-9056-2023-227-68-74