Kolchin A.A., Myshko Yu.A. Codification process in the sphere of soviet law: historical and legal aspect
Lakizyuk A.A. The city of Yelets in the wehrmacht’s plans: combat operations on the Yeletskaya road in 1941
Zemtsov L.I. N.Y. Danilevsky’s interpretation of some aspects of the peasant reform of 1861 (on the 200th anniversary of the thinker’s birth)
Aksenova G.V. M.N. Speransky as a researcher of the cossack historical song
Kharchenko L.N. Participation of Rsups (RIIZHT) scientists in the implementation of the general plan for the electrification of railway transport (on the example of the southern region)
Dolgikh A.N. Review of the books by D.A. Lyapin about Russia of 17th century