Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Lipetsk State Pedagogical P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky University”
The object of the analysis in this article is the discourse of «cultural integration of mi-grants» – an acute issue for contemporary Russia. The subject of the research is methodologi-cal aspects of its deconstruction. Scientific novelty of the work consists… →
The article deals with theoretical issues of searching for the conceptual bases of the poli-tics of memory in Russia in conditions of transformation of national identity to post-national forms of social identification. Based on the content analysis of existing studies… →
The article considers the students’ years as a period of harmonious combination of intel-lectual and social activity, the highest social activity of a person as a future “figure” and pro-fessional. Several definitions of the creative potential of an individual are… →
The article discusses the development of state policy and its reflection in the content of gymnasium education in Russia in the 19th– early 20th century. The gymnasium was the basis of the Russian secondary school in this period. It prepared… →
The article is devoted to analysis of modern historiography of the law concerning the peasant question at the end of 18th – beginning of 19th century. In particular, various aspects of the interpretation of this problem in modern popular scientific… →